
Visit Chau Doc: Local tips for the trip to the top

Tra Su Cajuput Tree Forest, Chau Doc

If you are planning to travel to Chau Doc but still do not know how to go, the travel schedule and what to prepare for the trip? Then read the following article to learn about “Visit Chau Doc: Local tips for the trip to the top”.

Introduce about Chau Doc

Chau Doc is a city directly under An Giang province. With an area of ​​about 104.7 km2 and a population of over 110,000 people, life here is always bustling and bustling with frequent tourists. Coming to Chau Doc, you will enjoy the exciting atmosphere of peaceful and crowded markets with green fields, clear rivers and many typical fruits and seafood of the West.

Chau Doc with river beauty

Chau Doc with river beauty

What to do in Chau Doc?

Floating village in Chau Doc

Chau Doc floating village is the biggest symbol for the cultural beauty of Westerners. Every morning at dawn, the whole village gets dyed  looks seems to be dyed yellow in the morning sky. Life on the water makes people more attached through the canoe, the boat. Life is simple,  but extremely happy and peaceful.

Floating village in Chau Doc

Floating village in Chau Doc

Village of the Cham Peopleethnic group

Chau Giang Cham Village is a famous onevillage of the Cham community in Chau Doc. The village features are 10 floating stilt houses with quite special architecture madearchitecture and made from precious woods. there are about Cham village has about ten houses on stilts that are very ancient and precious. It is a beauty that has been preserved and kept by locals indigenous people for a long time since 10th century.

Village of the Cham ethnic group, Chau Doc

See more: Visiting beautiful villages of Thai people

Mount of Sam 

With an area of about 280ha, Sam mountain is an extremely famo

Village of the Cham ethnic group, Chau Doc

Village of the Cham ethnic group, Chau Doc

us tourist destination in Chau Doc. This mountain is covered with shady trees all year round. In summer, the red color of the phoenix is added, nestled next to the surrounding canals. Sam Mountain is the gathering place of a whole system of ancient temples, pagodas and interesting caves.


Exprecience: Pu Luong – The beauty of the northwest mountains

Tay An Pagoda

Tay An Pagoda is located at the foot of Sam mountain, Chau Doc. With an area of ​​about 15,000 m2, the main face of the pagoda is three ancient houses with round roofs in the shape of onions, colorful but harmonious. Tay An Pagoda has an architecture that combines Indian art style and ancient Vietnamese architecture, built with durable materials such as bricks, tiles, and cement.

Chua Xu Goddess Temple

Chua Xu Goddess Temple is a famous spiritual tourist destination in Chau Doc. Visitors from all over the world often come to the temple in the period from January to March of the lunar calendar to pray for peace and happiness. To serve the needs of tourists, local people provide services such as selling offerings, renting roast pigs, releasing birds, viewing the first hexagrams, etc.

Chua Xu Goddess Temple, Chau Doc

Chua Xu Goddess Temple, Chau Doc

Hang pagoda – cave pagoda

Built around 1840 – 1845, Hang Pagoda (also known as Phuoc Dien Tu) is an ancient temple ranked as A National Historical Relic in Chau Doc, Vietnam. Hang Pagoda is solemn and ancient with many legends handed down from generation to generation. It is an attractive destination for those who love the quiet, ancient, and peaceful.

Thoai Ngoc Hau tomb

Thoai Ngoc Hau Tomb is a rare intact architectural work typical of the Nguyen Dynasty with many cultural and historical meanings in Chau Doc. The tomb always has a quiet, dignified, and respectful beauty. The mausoleum is both a mausoleum and a temple which worship Nguyen Van Thoai – a mandarin of the Nguyen Dynasty.

Thoai Ngoc Hau tomb, Chau Doc

Thoai Ngoc Hau tomb, Chau Doc

Tra Su Cajuput Tree Forest

Tra Su Cajuput Tree forest is a great eco-tourism destination with many rare animals in Chau Doc. Here, you can sit on a wooden boat, immersed in the shade of cajuput trees and watching the peaceful natural scenery of the West.

Tra Su Cajuput Tree Forest, Chau Doc

Tra Su Cajuput Tree Forest, Chau Doc


Must see: Pu Luong for nature lovers

Suggested tour routes

Itinerary in 3 days

Day 1: Ho Chi Minh City – My Tho – Ben Tre – Chau Doc

Day 2: Chau Doc – Sam Mountain – Tra Su Melaleuca Forest – Can Tho

Day 3: Can Tho – Floating Market – Con Son – Saigon

Itinerary in 4 days

Day 1: Ho Chi Minh City – Long An – Tien Giang – Dong Thap – Chau Doc – An Giang

Day 2: Chau Doc – Tra Su Melaleuca Forest – Ha Tien

Day 3: Ha Tien – Can Tho

Day 4: Can Tho – Cai Rang Floating Market – Ho Chi Minh City 

When to go to Chau Doc?

The weather in Chau Doc is cool all year round, so you can visit at any time. However, based on my experience, the period from August to November is the most suitable time for you to fully enjoy the scenery as well as experience life on the river in Chau Doc. Especially,  During that time, at this time, in Chau Doc, there is an extremely crowded and bustling floating market.

Where to stay in Chau Doc?

Victoria Nui Sam Lodge

Address: Vinh Dong 1, Sam Mountain, Chau Doc City, An Giang

Located right on the slopes of Sam mountain, Chau Doc, Victoria Nui Sam Lodge is surrounded by a system of canals and pagodas. This hotel captivates guests with its modern but non-destructive amenities that blend into the rustic and simple features of the surrounding landscape.

Overview of Victoria Nui Sam Lodge

Overview of Victoria Nui Sam Lodge

Victoria Chau Doc Hotel

Address: 1 Le Loi, Cai Dau, Chau Doc City, An Giang

Built with French low-rise architecture, Victoria Chau Doc hotel is a great interference with the surrounding natural scenery. From Victoria Chau Doc Hotel, we can see the whole scene of life on the river: floating fishing villages with industrious people, bustling floating markets with trading activities or Cham villages with peaceful and cozy.

Victoria Chau Doc Hotel in the sunset

Victoria Chau Doc Hotel in the sunset

How to get to Chau Doc?

For those who like to experience new routes, you can absolutely go to Chau Doc by motorbike. With this vehicle, you can freely admire the scenery, stop to check in as well as flexibly travel time.

For those who want to rest on the way or are not confident in your driving ability, you can take a taxi, bus or coach to Chau Doc. Currently, there are many bus operators that provide tours with package car services for visitors to easily choose.

Get to Chau Doc by motorbike

Get to Chau Doc by motorbike

Above is a summary of experiences about “Visit Chau Doc: Local tips for the trip to the top” for your reference. Don’t forget to prepare yourself with good health and a happy spirit to make the trip more complete and meaningful. 

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