Ninh Binh in September is a magical time to visit this stunning city in northern Vietnam. With its warm and pleasant weather, September is the ideal month to explore all that Ninh Binh has to offer. Whether you’re interested in visiting the Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex, exploring the ancient capital city of Hoa Lu, or getting out into the great outdoors, Ninh Binh in September is sure to provide an unforgettable experience. With its breathtaking scenery, rich cultural heritage, and warm, welcoming people, Ninh Binh is a must-visit destination for anyone looking to experience the best of Vietnam.
Ninh Binh is a place which has humidity on an average throughout the year with the humidity range from 80% to 85%. So, the weather here is typical of a tropical monsoon climate. The estimated temperature and average temperature is around 24 degree Celsius. However, in Ninh Binh this month typhoons can appear around this month. If you are going to visit Ninh Binh in September, double check!
What is the average temperature in September in Ninh Binh?
Ninh Binh in September with clear sky and cool atmosphere
The weather in Ninh Binh in September is quite cool, the temperature can get as low as 26 degree Celsius, and Ninh Binh in this month is probably in a rainy season. With this atmosphere, it is suitable for tourists to go sightseeing. Especially:
The highest temperature is 36.6 degree Celsius, the lowest temperature is 16.8 degree Celsius and the average temperature is 27.3 degree Celsius.
See more: Pu Luong
How much does it rain in Ninh Binh’s september?
The average rainfall in Ninh Binh in September is about 269 mm and average number of rainy days: 15.1 days
How cloud is Ninh Binh in september?
Blue and clear sky in Ninh Binh in September
The average percentage of sky covered by clouds in Ninh Binh City in September varies with the course of the day.
The most cloudy time of the day is around 2:30, at that time the chance of cloud cover or overcast is 83%.
The clearest time of day is around 18:30, at this time the chance of clear blue, green in places, or scattered blue is 24%.
The clearest day of the month is September 30, with conditions of blue, clear blue in places, or scattered clouds 34% of the time.
When is sunrise and sunset in september in Ninh Binh?
Hunting sunrise in Ninh Binh
The average monthly sunshine hours is 170 hours. Especially:
According to the happenings in September in Ninh Binh City, the length of the day is decreasing. From the start to the end of the month, the length of the day decreased by 33 minutes, implying a daily average decrease of 1 minute, 8 seconds, and a weekly decrease of 7 minutes, 57 seconds.
The shortest day of the month is September 30, with 11 hours, 59 minutes of daylight, and the longest day is September 1, with 12 hours, 32 minutes of daylight.
The earliest sunrise of the month in Ninh Binh City is 5:40 on September 1 and the latest sunrise is at 5:46 on September 30.
The latest sunset is 18:12 on September 1, and the earliest sunset is at 17:45 on September 30.
How humid is it in Ninh Binh’s september?
We base the humidity on comfort/above dew point, as it determines whether perspiration will evaporate from the skin, thereby keeping the body cool. Lower dew points feel drier and higher dew points feel wetter. Unlike temperature, which often varies significantly between day and night, dew point tends to change more slowly, so while nighttime temperatures can drop into the night, a sweltering day is often followed by a sultry night.
The chances that the mentioned 1 day will be muggy in Ninh Binh City are decreasing day by day during September, falling from 100% to 80% on a month-to-month basis. In general, the humidity in Ninh Binh in September still makes visitors feel comfortable with average humidity around 85,2%
How wind is it in september in Ninh Binh?
Wind speed and direction are depend on topography
The average wind speed per hour in Ninh Binh City in September varies throughout the day, with a daily average of 11.5 kilometers per hour.
The windiest time of day is around 3 p.m., with an average hourly wind speed of 14.1 kilometers per hour, mostly between 10.1 kilometers per hour and 17.4 kilometers per hour, and rarely falls below 6.9 kilometers per hour or exceeds 21.4 kilometers per hour.
The time of day is the calmest around 23:30, with wind speeds averaging 9.5 kilometers per hour, mostly between 6.6 kilometers per hour and 11.2 kilometers per hour, and rarely falls. falls below 4.3 kilometers/hour or exceeds 15.9 kilometers/hour.
What to wear in Ninh Binh’s september?
In September, the weather calms down, the weather gradually turns to autumn. You should watch the weather forecast and prepare yourself with thick clothes to keep your body warm.
Choosing the long dresses or warm clothes in September
What’s the weather like in Ninh Binh the rest of the year?
This place is not too cold or too hot in the spring season, so visitors can combine tourism and springtime sightseeing, as well as a pagoda ceremony to pray for good luck.
Exploring Ninh Binh during the summer months of April to June will undoubtedly be a memorable experience for many visitors. The weather in Ninh Binh in April is quite cool, not too hot, and even a little chilly in the early morning. Ninh Binh is no longer as crowded as it was in the spring, so visitors can comfortably explore the attractions without having to wait for long periods of time.
In winter, Ninh Binh has dry weather, white reed fields cover the landscape here. The scene is like putting on a smooth white shirt to cut the hearts of tourists. Do not miss the opportunity to admire this unique and attractive beauty that is not available everywhere.
Where does this data come from?
This report depicts typical weather in Ninh Binh City based on statistical analysis of hourly historical weather information and model reconstruction from January 1, 1980, to December 31, 2016.
There is only one weather station at Noi Bai International Airport that is approved to be used in our network for the purpose of recording Ninh Binh City’s historical dew point and temperature data.
All further weather information, such as cloud cover, precipitation, wind direction and speed, and energy flow, are derived from NASA’s MERRA-2 Modern Era Analysis. In order to reconstruct hourly weather history globally on a grid of 50 kilometers, this reanalysis combines multiple measurements taken over a large area under a cutting-edge global meteorological model.
See more:
- Ninh Binh in September: Weather & climate information
- Top Best Ninh Binh Hotel Viet Nam
- Ninh Binh Legend Hotel – Convention Center
- The Vancouver Hotel Ninh Binh
- Getting from Hanoi Airport To Ninh Binh Bus